Green’s Farms January Board Meeting January 29, 2020

Attending Members and GuestsArt Schoeller, Lois Sussman, Birthe Shwisha, Arie Adler (hosted), Judy Swan, Matt Spiegel, MaryAnn Meyer and DIck Lowenstein (RTM-5 Guest)
1) Art opened the meeting and the first agenda item was traffic. Dick has been diligent for the past year meeting with Town and Police to seek solutions to the traffic issues primarily on Greens Farms Road. He reported that there are more police patrols along Greens Farms Road and the flashing radar sign is still posted. He expects to receive the data from the radar sign shortly and will report back to the Board.Ideas proposed:–Post “No Thru Truck” signs along Greens Farms Road to help lessen traffic volume–Petition the Town and suggest they try out some new solutions–Request additional flashing radar signs along GF Road since the Sherwood Island Connector to Southport (2.5 miles) is without any stop signs.Judy Swan brought to the Board’s attention the blind spot at Turkey Hill Road and GF Road which makes it very difficult to see on coming traffic.
State Rep, Tony Hwang is planning to hold meetings with each RTM District to discuss the traffic issue. It was discussed that GF Association can get involved and should participate.
In other news, Beachside Avenue Bridge will be replaced and the State expects to start construction shortly. The existing bridge will be modified to realign the intersection of Beachside Avenue and Greens Farms Road into a T-type intersection. Sidewalks/foot lanes will be constructed.
In another related matter, the Historic District Commission is taking inventory of historic stone bridges that may need repair. Repairs for the Center Street Bridge at Greens Farms Road (near the GF Fire Department) are being considered.
2) West Parish/Hillandale Road proposalP&Z is proposing a multi unit townhouses(40 units) which would be owned by the Town. The plan would help add to the current units of affordable housing while the Town enjoys a 3.5 year moratorium on further 8-30g projects. P&Z has its eyes on 4 acres of land which is State owned and is part of the 11 acres where the State DOT Highway garage and yard is located. The Board will follow this closely as the proposal may add to the already congested traffic issues on Post Road as well as in the West Parish neighborhood. At present, there are several available parcels along Post Road that are potential sites for further development for commercial use or multi unit housing. Currently there are 514 existing multi housing units along Post Road (Bulkley Road to Roseville Road).
3) Annual Meeting The date for the Green’s Farms Annual Meeting is Tuesday, May 12th. Members of the Board should plan on coming on Saturday, May 2nd to help stuff envelopes to mail out our newsletter and membership information.
Next Board meeting on Tuesday, February 25th.