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Welcome to the Green's Farms Association web site.
We are a neighborhood association founded in 1971 dedicated to preserving and enhancing the residential quality of life in the Green's Farms area of Westport, Connecticut. The Green's Farms area is bounded generally by the Post Road on the north, Hillspoint Road on the west, the Long Island Sound on the south and Sasco Creek on the east. (MAP)
In pursuit of the goals stated above, the Association is active in zoning issues as well as educational activities targeted to neighborhood and home ownership. We also participate in community service such as the Westport Beautification programs and town and beach clean ups.
Membership in the Green's Farms Association is open to all residents of Green's Farms and dues are $30 per year per family.
How to contact us:
We encourage any Green's Farms resident or anyone considering taking up residence in Green's Farms to contact us or write us at:
Greens Farms Association
P.O. Box 10
Green's Farms, CT 06838
You may also contact any of our directors - one of us might even be your neighbor! We would be delighted to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.
Click here to see the latest newsletter.
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